
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Discoveries

I was thinking today for a moment about my past. In high school we have a four day retreat called Kairos. I know many places have it and for those of you that have been on it know that it can hardly be explained. For the rest of you just know that it is an incredibly awesome and spiritual retreat. But it is not the retreat I want to mention tonight. I instead want to mention that I got to be a leader my senior year of high school. We were all assigned witnesses to give on the weekend to the retreatants. For some God unknown reason, the two adult leaders wanted me to give the witness about Self. I was shocked. I believe my words were "Wait, seriously? I know nothing about that!" Now let me say that in high school, I made no secret that I was incredibly awkward and inscure and as my mother will tell you probably more than the average high schooler. I knew nothing about myself. How was I supposed to tell all these kids how to accept and find themselves when I had no idea how to do that myself. But, as I was thinking about it tonight, I thought how much I owe those two teachers. I apparently knew more about myself than I thought and when it came down to it, I was able to write a great witness. Those two teachers saw something that I didn't see in myself for a long time. That witness was the beginning however. That sparked something in me that made me think about who I was and who I wanted to be. Tonight I had my first rehearsal with my actors for my scene in my directing class. I was in my element then. I am leading a group project tomorrow as well. If someone told me that in four years ago when I was being assigned that witness that I would be directing plays and short films and leading group projects, I probably would have just laughed. Not because I couldn't believe it, but because I never thought I could do it. That witness helped me figure out who I was and for that I will be forever in debt to those teachers that helped me with that. Now I have a direction.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


This past weekend, I rediscovered music. It would seem odd that the music director of a radio station has to rediscover music, but I have been so busy it has been nothing but a way to get me through. I had forgotten what it is like to just enjoy music. I've had a little more relaxing time lately -- not that I have time, but because I may punch someone out if I don't just give up on trying to do everything. I have been listening to music, remembering that there is a message and truth behind it. Music has been a part of my soul. Because I am forced to listen to so much music at the station lately it has been nothing but a pain in the ass. I forgot what it is like to sit and let music fill me and give me answers I need to find. Maybe, because I have had too much coffee and tea tonight, that I am like this. Maybe because I am confused between a boy who I have loved for the last decade, a boy I really like but hardly knows I exist, and the boy that could be my perfect match but is already taken by someone else. Maybe because this weekend I was asked multiple times what I am doing after graduation in May, but I have rediscovered that music holds all my answers. I just need to find the right songs in the right order. As my dad was cleaning his room (yes parents still do that too!) this weekend, he found a pair of headphones - probably at least 8 years old and yet they were never opened. I asked if I could have them. Everything is so much clearer now. The sound coming through it amazing. I can hear again. I can block out the world so much better now. It's like I am in my own little world. That's just it though. I don't want to block out the world. I want to share the music. Music is love. Music is perfection. The clearer it is the better.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Long Overdue Album Review: Charlene Kaye - Animal Love

I saw Charlene Kaye open up for the Starkids last November. Her vocals and playing were amazing. When I had found out that the new album was going for Top 200 adds on College radio I was excited. The album was even better than I thought it was going to be. Animal Love has music for all different types of moods.

It starts off with the catchy Animal Love I which I could just not help dancing out to whenever I heard it. It only continues from there. Some of my favorite tracks include Animal Love I, Hummingbird Heart, Poison Apple, and Woman Up.

The album is a great motivational album. The lyrics are amazing and the vocals are fantastic.

Go buy the album and listen right now! You will not regret it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Word of Beginning and an Introduction

Of course school got in the way of having fun and blogging. I did however get an internship this morning for the summer, writing and editing at the magazine put out by my university. I am excited.

Somehow balancing a job (which is more like two: guarding and teaching), an internship, as well as trying to work on a couple screenplays, some short films, and a musical all for a production company I am trying to start sounds like a lot. But I as sure as hell won't be bored this summer.

Now I should move on to the introduction of myself as the title of the post does say that is what will be included.

I'm Rachel. I am a Communications Major with focuses in Media Writing and Film Studies and a Creative Writing minor. I love my friends dearly. My bloodstream is made up of 60% of caffeine.

I am a musician. I play piano, guitar and drums -- at least when time allows. I have been writing my own music since high school. I am far to invested in music. I am a DJ on the radio station on campus, and am the genre music director for the station. My dream job would be to sit and analyze song lyrics and music videos, and then go make some of my own.

I just discovered I absolutely love directing and editing movies. I love writing them too. I watch so many movies it is not even funny. I could go on forever, but I will stop as this post is already getting incredibly long.

Fun Facts
1. My family drives me crazy.
2. I can have incredibly strong opinions.
3. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE ME. Trust me it turns out badly for most people when I get to laugh and say I told you so.
4. I procrastinate like no other. Like right now, I should be studying for my finals or writing my script for an episode of Glee. I am also supposed to meet my adviser, but here I am writing a blog post. :P
5. My mind is a scary place. If my characters from my screenplay ever come out and starting talking in a post, I apologize. I am one of those writers who cannot always control what her characters do.

Well I think this is long enough for now. If you are still reading, I congratulate you.

**This is the fair warning that this blog will be formed of my opinions because after all Fuzz does know best. **